Friday, November 14, 2008

Don't hate me, but I have finished my Christmas shopping. Maybe some of your love that last minute, Christmas Eve rush, but I absolutely hate fighting my way through Target or the mall. So every year, I take one day and do it all, including ordering online, too.

When you think about it, there's really no excuse for waiting until the last minute. After all, we have 264 days to get it all done. Think of all the money you can save when you're not running to Walgreens 14 hours before present opening time.

So sit down, make a list and then -- like Nike -- just do it! One time of getting it finished early and you'll be hooked.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pay it Ahead; Do it Ahead

I've been hearing the phrase "pay it ahead" a lot lately, as we try to weather the current economic crisis. I think "do it ahead" is a good idea, too. Some people thrive on waiting until the last minute to do anything. They say they can't concentrate until the pressure is on. With my newspaper background, I've certainly heard my share of, "I do my best work on deadline."

I hate to put anything off until the 11th hour. Even the word "deadline" bothers me. Do we feel like we'll be dead if we don't meet that line?

Doing things early eliminates a lot of stress. You can actually enjoy the project, rather than sweating it out. You can say yes to that invitation because you've already got your work done. I have a friend who has a big garage sale every year. She knows she's going to have it, she has it on the same weekend every year and yet, she stays up all night before she opens the sale at 6 a.m. "I can't get it all ready if I don't stay up all night," she says. Those other 364 days and nights weren't enough?

When you're early, instead of late -- when you're working ahead, rather than behind -- you get no lines, time to find the best whatever, relaxation, bargains, reduced stress, no worry about weather or traffic jams, and the best parking space. Let's do it ahead!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Organized versus Creative

Here's something you frequently hear people say. "I'm too creative to get organized. If I get organized, I won't be spontaneous."

Why on earth do we think organization and creativity are completely opposite? Are organized people dull? Absolutely not. Yet, somehow we all picture the organized woman in a modest blue suit and white blouse, quietly getting everything done without ever being noticed.

I think authors are probably the most creative people in the world, but they would never get a novel finished if they weren't organized. Just picture John Grisham always coming up with these great story lines, yet never being organized enough to write them down on paper. No best sellers for him!

Let's get our act together. This can open the door to some much creativity you won't believe it.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Cleaning Products

As part of my organizing efforts, I've also been doing a lot of cleaning. There are a few cleaning products I've come to love.

  • Clorox Lemon Scent Bleach: There's absolutely nothing like bleach for getting rid of bathroom mold, but that bleach smell can literally make you sick. Apparently the lemon bleach has been around for a while, but somehow I missed it. It's my new go-to bathroom cleaner.
  • Fantastic: I previously used a product called Greased Lightening on my kitchen cabinets. Fantastic works even better. Grease and grime gone in an instant.
  • Oxi-Clean Carpet Cleaner: It even works on very old stains. You may have to repeat the steps a few times, but it does this job better than anything else. And believe me, I've tried everything else!
  • Zep Hardwood Floor Cleaner: You can find this at Home Depot. It's awesome for cleaning hardwood floors.
  • And last, but far from least -- make-up remover wipes. Yes, indeed. A few weeks ago when our daughter left for college, she took some lipstick and wrote a sweet note to her father on his bathroom mirror. I put off cleaning it because of several past experiences where I rubbed and rubbed with windex. Then I read about make-up remover. I took just one and the lipstick came off like a charm!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Organized Finances

With the current financial crisis in this country, everybody is looking for ways to understand their own financial situation a little better. Here are a few ways to organize your financial world.

  • Actually write down all your debt. As Dr. Phil says, "you can't change what you don't acknowledge."
  • Keep a list of your expenses for one month. Track every penny you spend. You'll be surprised.
  • Make getting an emergency fund a priority. Most money experts having at least three months living expense money squirreled away.
  • Start to pay off debt. Most financial planners advocate paying off the credit cards with the highest interest rate first. Dave Ramsey, the "debt snowball" guru recommends paying off the small debts first to get a psychological high from getting rid of some bills. Either way can work; pick one and do it.
  • If you just can't meet the bills, call your creditors and explain your situation. Most people are willing to work with you if you show you honestly want to do the right thing. The absolute worst thing you can do is ignore the bills.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too Much Paper

By now, we're supposed to be living in a paperless society. At least, that's what I've heard. Look around; there's paper everywhere.

We have a great scanner, and I'm thinking about scanning every single piece of paper we need to keep and put on a CD. Wow! That would free up some much space in my home.

I'm one of those people who doesn't keep every scrap of paper, and I still feel like it's out of control. Who knows what its like for those of you who can't bear to throw anything out!

Any special tricks you've got to corral all the paper in life?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Write it Down

I keep a notebook in my purse that lists what I need to do and where I need to go and what I need to buy. I find it so easy to forget a couple of things, and it really relieves my stress just to write it down. Then I know it doesn't have to stay in my head.

I like to hand write things -- maybe because I'm a writer. You might want to keep it in your Blackberry. Or, if you're the auditory kind, you can record your list of things not to forget.

Find a system that works for you. Then use it religiously. It will cut your mental stress in half!